Doug Daze of Summer 2023
DDoS 2023 is 2 days of bluegrass and roots bands, food trucks, vendors, open mic and camping. This year for the first time, children are welcome and dogs on leashes are allowed. It’s at a beautiful, rural, private property, open to the public, just outside Newton Kansas and only 30 minutes North of downtown Wichita.
If you don't intend to stay overnight just bring a lawn chair and a cooler, sunscreen and insect repellent etc. There are several shade trees but shade awnings are welcome.This is a music fest outside on the grass! Parking is also on grass. Very low clearance vehicles are not recommended. Alcohol is not for sale at the fest, but other beverages may be available from food vendors.
Gate opens at 2pm July 7th and closes 2pm July 9th. See schedule below. As with many bluegrass fests when the bands are finished, jamming may continue through the night. Camping is available and will be $10 (two nights just $15) per night whether you are in a tent or vehicle. There will be a beach-rinse style shower(bring a swimsuit)to rinse off and/or cool down. Actual showers not available. No hook-ups available but RV's/camper trailers and camper vans and generators are permitted.
Single day adult tickets are $30 (discount for 2 days). Kids 12 and under free, kids 13-17 $10. Buy tickets here.
Volunteers are an integral part of this event. We need your help. Click here to review and sign-up for volunteer options and learn about volunteer perks like free admission!
Friends, “Doug Daze” is a special event. We are a small music fest exuding a synergy that is surprising. The musicians and attendees, volunteers and staff the first couple years combined to generate an atmosphere that was exhilarating yet sublime. We grew about 30%, in attendance from our first to second year, but that didn't tell the whole story. In 2021 I heard a few comments that went like this “Wow, that was cool. Are you going to do it again?” In 2022, the comments escalated to “Holy !@#$! I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!”
Here we go. As I update this page and write this, we’re just a month out. Don’t miss Doug Daze of Summer 2023! The bands are fantastic, we have a beautiful new-to-us property hosting, and we’ve assembled a team of brilliant minds to help guide our efforts. Get excited, because “Doug Daze” 2023 will likely generate memories to last a lifetime. See the line-up below.
Thanks, Doug Wilson